In July 2011, HOTEL CHARLEROI has occupied the contemporary art centre BPS22, in which we have built some accommodation infrastructure for about 25 people. In addition to the the artists taking part to LE CHANT DES POSSIBLES, a new bunch of artists and interested people have been invited for a residency of one to three weeks in Charleroi.
Sören Engsted // Ilse Ermen // Paul Fägerskiöld // Veronika Gammel // Michael Hieslmair // Nino Jaeger Vincent Mauroy // Alexandra McGlynn // Jason Mena // Katrien Oosterlinck // Liliya Parvanova & Paul Bruijninckx // Jasmin Patel // Alissone Perdrix // Georg Petermichl // Ulrich Reiterer // Dennis Seeldrayers // Matthias Ströckel // Marthe Van Dessel // Hannelore Van Dijck
The following pictures document the hotel infrastructure in BPS22, as well as some impressions and interventions of these new residents.