The starting point of the exhibition CAPITAL SOCIAL was the Brasserie des Alliés, a modernist brewery that went bankrupt in 1980 and is now partly empty, partly occupied by the company ABETECH. From 31st August to 8th September 2013, HOTEL CHARLEROI opened this majestic building to the public, but there was hardly art to see inside: most interventions occurred in Marchienne’s public space, which we divided into three areas corresponding to the social, economical and political issues connected with our research.
Benito Artoy // Ceci est un magasin de vêtements // Jean-Philippe De Visscher // Baptiste Elbaz // Maria Giovanna Drago & Sophie Thun // Søren Engsted // Karsten Födinger // Thomas Geiger // Matthias Hintzen // Annabel Lange // Francois Martig // Micol Roubini & Lorenzo Casali // Johanna Tinzl // Topp & Dubio // Stijn Van Dorpe // PARALLEL DAZU Essen (Johanna‐Yasirra Kluhs & Felizitas Kleine, Aaron Stratmann, Christian Odzuck, Wolfgang Kienast aka. Martini + Nicolas Buissart & Benito Artoy)
The following pictures and videos document all the artworks of the exhibition. The booklet guiding the visitors through Marchienne can be downloaded here.
Baptiste El Baz (FR, *1984), BRASSERIE DES ALLIÉS, Courtyard
Furniture made from concrete and car parts stored in the building
Thomas Geiger (DE/AT, *1983), BRASSERIE DES ALLIÉS, Ground floor
The „thinking machine“ and 5 postcards resulting from it
Topp & Dubio (NL), BRASSERIE DES ALLIÉS & Various places in Marchienne
Various objects introducing „Le problème pourpre“, a problem conceived especially for Marchienne
Micol Roubini & Lorenzo Casali (IT, *1982, 1980), BRASSERIE DES ALLIÉS, First floor
A carpet made of coal and iron dust with two Italian workers singing
Francois Martig (BE, *1978), MARCHIENNE-ETAT, Wasteland behind Fonderie Thiébaut
Recordings from various places in the world about biodiversity in post-industrial zones
Stijn Van Dorpe (BE, *1978), MARCHIENNE-ETAT, Fonderie Thiébaut and around
A donkey carrying a bag pack with a great idea that couldn’t be realised
Maria Giovanna Drago & Sophie Thun (IT/PL, *1984, 1985) / MARCHIENNE-ETAT, Taverne de la Gare
33 interviews with bar clients collected in a book and a series of flags
Maria Giovanna Drago & Sophie Thun (IT/PL, *1984, 1985)
A Wikipedia article about the life and fate of Tiberio Murgia, a former minor in Le Bois du Cazier
Benito Artoy (BE, *1966), MARCHIENNE-ETAT, Route de Mons
Portrait of the artist as an observer: collage on a former shop showcase
Karsten Födinger (DE, *1978), CENTRE CIVIQUE, Place J.F. Kennedy
Bus stop proposal
Johanna Tinzl (AT, *1976) in CollàBearation with Philippe S3 BelGenion (BE, *1962)
CENTRE CIVIQUE, In front of the City Hall
Video displaying a speech written for the people of Marchienne, spoken by the husband of a local politician
Stijn Van Dorpe (BE, *1978), CENTRE CIVIQUE, Exhibition space in City Hall
The result of workshops with kids, based on artworks by local painters
Annabel Lange (DE, *1976), CENTRE CIVIQUE, Salon Communal
Temporary intervention on the building of Salon Communal, with open windows and dogs
Soren Engsted (DK, *1974), ZONE, Sambre river
A bench as a tribute to Italian “Futurismo”
Ceci est un magasin de vêtements (NL/DE/BE, *1973, 1974, 1978), ZONE, Constructor brico shop
Creation of new types of paint through a series of alchemic performances
Jean-Philippe De Visscher (BE, *1980), ZONE, Wasteland along Sambre river
Prototype for planting hemp on polluted soils
Matthias Hintzen (DE, *1968), ZONE, Constructor brico shop
30 Years of drawings representing the evolution of Charleroi’s subway system
PARALELL DAZU Essen (DE), ZONE, Rockerill + Wasteland along Sambre river
Exchange with an organisation from the Ruhr region: With Christian Odzuck, Wolfgang Kienast aka. Martini and Aaron Stratmann curated by Johanna‐Yasirra Kluhs & Felizitas Kleine; Nicolas Buissart & Benito Artoy.
CAPITAL SOCIAL was produced in collaboration with l‘Eden | Centre Culturel Régional de Charleroi and with BPS22, Espace de création contemporaine de la Province de Hainaut. We thank also the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, ABETECH, and the City of Charleroi for their support.